When you are arrested, you have certain rights and it is important to know all of them so that you can exercise those rights appropriately. Using those rights could make a world of difference in how your case plays out. Here’s a look at how to utilize your rights.
You Have the Right to Remain Silent
Sometimes less is better and this is a prime situation where that applies. You should know that you are not going to talk your way out of an arrest, so don’t even bother trying. Furthermore, what you say could be used against you. Why give an arresting officer any more leverage than he already has? It’s best to remain silent and contact a criminal defense attorney who can do your talking for you.
Invoke Your Right to Contact an Attorney
This is part of your Miranda rights, but don’t wait for an officer to read those rights to you. Officers will not usually ask if you want an attorney, so it is up to you to invoke that right. You have the right to contact an attorney, but you need to express that. This is an unequivocal right and more courts are making it mandatory that this right is granted in a timely fashion.
Don’t Talk To Anyone
The time for talking will come, just be patient. The arresting officer and other members of law enforcement do not care about your predicament. Pleading your case to them is a waste of time and it could also cause you to say something incriminating. After invoking your right to contact an attorney, do not say anything to anyone. Remember, it’s your right to stay silent. Use it.
Officers Will Try To Elicit a Confession Out Of You
Officers use a whole bunch of different tactics to get you to say what they want to hear. Some will try to befriend you and nicely coax out a confession while others will attempt to scare you with promises of jail time if you do not confess. Keep in mind that their job is made easier when you confess and that is their only concern. You are not obligated to tell them anything. Disregard their attempts and wait for your lawyer.
The Law Offices of William H. Harding has years of experience handling all kinds of criminal defense cases in Charlotte. If you have been arrested and are in need of representation, contact The Law Offices of William H. Harding for the top criminal attorney Charlotte has to offer.
“If you have a phone, you have a lawyer”