Mostly all of us are going to get pulled over by a police officer while driving at one time or another. When that does happen, here are some simple steps to follow to ensure your safety is maintained and your rights are protected.

Remain Calm
Take a deep breath and relax. Any nervousness or anxiety could arouse suspicion and compel the officer to make the stop more difficult than it needs to be. Even if you are guilty of an offense, getting worked up is not going to help the matter.
Comply With Officer’s Request
On many occasions, officers let drivers go with a simple warning, presuming they are cooperative. Sometimes, compliance can be the difference between a warning and a ticket. You can even take the imitative by turning off your engine, lowering the volume of your radio and rolling down your window. Most times, officers are looking for some simple answers. Extending them some courtesy could enable you to receive some courtesy in return.
Do Not Reach For ID or Registration without Being Asked For It
Officers are taught to be suspicious. Any sudden movements on your part, such as reaching into your glove compartment, could make an officer fear the worst. Remember, plenty of officers have been killed during routine traffic stops. If an officer senses danger, the first act is usually to reach for his/her gun. That is the last predicament you want to be in during a traffic stop.
Do Not Be Hostile or Aggressive
Hostility and aggressiveness can only lead to trouble. They can lead to more citations and moving violations. Keep in mind that a good amount of officers do not issue tickets for every single offense during a traffic stop. Some even let you off with a warning.
If You Feel You Were Illegally Stopped Contact a Lawyer
Just because you get pulled over does not mean the officer is always right. There have been plenty of documented traffic stops that were completely unwarranted. Illegal searches also happen frequently as there are only certain situations that give officers the right to search your vehicle. If you feel as though your rights have been violated, contact an attorney immediately.
Thankfully, The Law Offices of William H. Harding is here to help motorists whose rights have been violated. If you find yourself in need of a criminal defense attorney, choose a Charlotte lawyer who will fight for you. The Law Offices of William H. Harding also focusses on auto accidents, wrongful death and personal injury lawsuits with a 96% success rate.