Important Factors That Could Affect Your Settlement

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When you are looking to make a settlement because of a personal injury, there are do’s and don’ts associated with the process. Here’s a look at some very important factors that could affect your final settlement.

Not Hiring an Attorney

If you are injured in an accident, it is highly unlikely that you will receive as much in compensation as you would with a personal injury lawyer working by your side. Insurance companies can outmaneuver ordinary people who are not well-versed in the finer points of the settlement process. Without an attorney helping you along the way, insurance companies will surely take advantage of you in some form or another. Not paying for an attorney now could cost you a lot of money in the long run.

Seeking Medical Treatment

Following an accident, seeking out medical treatment could make a huge difference in how much compensation you receive. It’s advisable to have a doctor conduct complete examinations and don’t hesitate to reveal even the most minimal pains and aches. If there is even the slightest symptom, go see a doctor about it and keep a record of it. Doctors may discover some injuries you were not privy to beforehand. Also, be sure to inform your injury attorney of every medical appointment you attend.

Going to Every Doctor’s Appointment

Keeping up with every doctor’s appointment and therapy session are like bricks that help build a solid case. On the other hand, missing those appointments will weaken the whole foundation of your case as opposing attorneys will use those absences against you. Be sure to make it to every doctor’s appointment and rehab session. They will all pay off in the end.

Using the Right Terminology

personal injury case compensationMany people get sore doing normal everyday activities. So, if you make the claim that you are sore, it is not direct enough. Describe your pain in its entirety and try to pinpoint the exact condition you are suffering from. The use of detailed descriptions of your pain will show that you have a genuine medical condition and are not just claiming to be hurt.

Residents of the Charlotte area can turn to The Law Offices of William H. Harding to help them receive the best possible settlements in their individual cases. With years of experience, The Law Offices of William H. Harding and their personal injury attorneys will get you the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Public Attorney Versus Private Attorney


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The decision to hire an attorney is an important one that could significantly impact the outcome of your claim or case. Before agreeing to terms, it is important to know the difference between public and private attorneys.

Public Attorneys

Public attorneys are court-appointed, which means there was no actual hiring done by the client. Public attorneys are not paid by clients, but are instead employees of the government. They are also paid much less than private attorneys, so the quality of work they produce may dim in comparison. There are also the heavy caseloads burdening public attorneys. They must take on multiple clients, which really makes it difficult to devote much time to each client.

Experience is often lacking among public attorneys. Many start out as public defenders for the purpose of gaining experience. That means that a public attorney could be dealing with certain charges for the very first time. And in many instances, public attorneys are just trying to bring an end to a case so they can move onto the next one.

Private Attorneys

A private attorney is paid by you which means you receive much more time and effort. Clients are not just a number, but a priority. That allows private attorneys to put together a more comprehensive strategy that usually comes with a lot more vigor.

A private attorney also focusses on certain areas of the law. For example, if you are hurt in a car accident, you will want to seek out an auto accident attorney who has handled those types of cases in the past. This will enable the attorney to know a lot more about the process in addition to having a familiarity with the local court system, prosecutors and judges.

A private attorney is able to give you more face time and is not overwhelmed by droves of cases all at once. Public attorneys meet with their clients briefly, so it is impossible to get a grasp of every detail. A private attorney takes the time to examine each detail within your case, which makes for a more thorough plan of action.

In Charlotte The Law Offices of William H. Harding devotes time, energy and attention to each client. Whether you are looking for an injury attorney the Law Offices of William H. Harding is the top choice in all of Charlotte, NC.

What to Do After a Car Accident

Auto accidents are a part of everyday life and will affect pretty much everyone at one time or another. Here is a look of the things you should do after being involved in an auto accident.

Make Sure Everyone Is Safe
The first priority in any auto accident is to ensure that everyone is safe. That includes you, your passengers, the other driver(s) and any passengers. Also, get out of harm’s way and prevent any further injuries. This includes getting clear of the vehicles if there is the chance of a fuel leak.

Call 911
It does not take a horrific accident to notify the authorities. It is important to have the local police document the accident. Never take the word of another driver, who could wind up claiming the accident never occurred. This is also the first step towards obtaining an accident report.


Make a Record of All the Details
This starts right after the accident by taking pictures and getting any kind of statements from witnesses. You could easily record their statements on your phone and obtain contact information. Also, make an immediate note of everything that happened and you could even make an audio recording right there on the scene. Remember, no detail is unimportant.

Seek Medical Attention
Just because you experience no immediate pain doesn’t mean you should not seek out medical attention. Not all car crash injuries provide immediate pain. The pain might not come until the next day. Injuries such as whiplash, nerve damage and spinal cord issues can worsen over time. That could lead to compensation in the future, but it is important to identify these problems right away.

Obtain a Police Report
This is a crucial element in any auto accident claim. Having police document the accident is very important and you should get your hands on that report as soon as possible. Ask the officer on the scene how and when you can retrieve your police report.

Contact an Attorney
There are a lot of finer points involved in an auto accident and it’s best to have an auto accident attorney lead you through the process. After you leave the scene of an accident, it is highly recommended that you contact an attorney so that you may start using the best possible strategy

Do Not Speak To Insurance Companies
It is the job of insurance companies to settle as quickly and for as little money as possible. You are not required to say anything to them right away. Consult with your attorney before even considering having a conversation with an insurance company representative.

The Law Offices of William H. Harding can start you down the right path following any kind of auto accident. For the best auto accident lawyer Charlotte, NC has to offer, contact the Law Offices of William H. Harding today and let the professionals steer you to compensation.

Why Giving a Statement to the Insurance Company after an Accident Can Harm Your Case

Following any type of auto accident, it usually doesn’t take long for an insurance company to get involved. However, insurance companies are not going to be on the side of those who are injured. Their main job is trying to pay out as little as possible. That being said, there are many reasons not to give a statement to an insurance company following an accident.

In the event that an insurance adjuster demands that you give a statement, immediately decline and contact a lawyer. In accidents where you are a victim, you are usually dealing with another insurance company. They do not have your best interest in mind.

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Obtaining a recorded statement will let the insurance company know exactly how to prepare a defense. It will also enable them to come up with a strategy that could offer a settlement lower than what you deserve. Giving a recorded statement is basically like showing your hand before you have to.

It is also important to note that not all injuries do not surface right after an accident. If you give a recorded statement and claim no neck pain, but then you start to experience neck pain two days later, your statement will make it appear as though you are lying. That could be extremely damaging to your case.

A statement given to an insurance company or adjuster is not made while under oath. Nevertheless, the insurance company can use that statement against you. Also, remember that whoever is taking your statement has done this before. As you speak, that person will be immediately looking for ways to twist your words to use them against you. Regular people are not accustomed to the intricacies within these kinds of statements.

When you are involved in an accident in which both parties have the same insurance company, you should still be wary. The insurance company may attempt to underestimate the value and basically turn against you.

Insurance companies are also looking to settle as quickly as possible, but you don’t have to submit to their pressure. Personal injury cases can be very detailed so your best move is to plead the fifth when asked for a statement and consult a lawyer.

If you are injured in a Charlotte auto accident, contact the Law Offices of William H. Harding. It helps to have someone on your side, who will give you the chance to get what you rightfully deserve. The Law Offices of William H. Harding will see you through the entire personal injury process and make sure insurance companies do not take advantage of your claim.

What to Expect From a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Personal injuries are common in many auto accidents. These accidents often lead to lawsuits that include several steps that every victim should know. This could make for a lengthy process, so it is important to know what to expect with your personal injury lawsuit.

The first thing to know is that an insurance company will always look to settle for as little as possible. Don’t be swayed by their promises as many carriers will look to settle outside of the courtroom for much less than you deserve.

A way to keep a case out of court is by going through mediation. This is where a mediator or arbitrator will intervene and attempt to resolve the matter. It is not an actual courtroom battle, but that does not mean you should not have a personal injury attorney right there with you.

So what goes into determining how much of a payout you will receive for your personal injuries?

neck and hand injuries

Actually, there are quite a few factors. There are the obvious factors, such as medical bills and the cost of any physical therapy. Lost wages can also factor in should your injuries force you out of work. A reduced earning potential could also be a result of your injury and that could also lead to financial hardship. Then, there is always pain and suffering to consider. Your injury lawyer will be your biggest advocate and ensure all damages, physical and emotional, are taken into account.

When a settlement is finally agreed upon, it is important to note that a victim is not always going to get all of that money. There are taxes to be paid on some of the settlement. You will not be responsible to pay taxes on your medical bills as it isn’t considered to be taxable income. However, pain and suffering falls under punitive damages, which are indeed taxable.

It is also important to note that not all personal injury cases deal with insurance companies. Some cases deal with individuals, which could make the reality of collecting your settlement a lot more difficult.

Just because you win a judgment against an individual, it does not mean you are guaranteed to see all that money. If an individual has limited assets, there is not much that can be done in a way of mandating compensation. If you are going to pursue a personal injury claim against an individual, make sure the individual has enough assets to make it worth your time and effort.

When you are injured in an accident and need to file a personal injury lawsuit, contact the Law Office of William H. Harding. With a vast amount of experience in personal injury law, you can finally have the advantage you need to get the settlement you deserve.

Why You Should Not Take the Law into Your Own Hands


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Every facet of the legal system has a specific protocol that needs to be followed. Deviating from that protocol could severely affect your case, whether it be a family law matter. Here is a closer look at why you should contact an attorney instead of taking the law into your own hands.


A criminal defense attorney or family law attorney knows the law better than you. That is a fact that can keep you from incriminating yourself or damaging your case. Attorneys undergo years of schooling to attain a broad knowledge base, which includes procedures on how to handle every kind of case.


Without a lawyer, you may be hurting your case more than you realize. An attorney is there for your protection. Think of an attorney as a type of shield. However, that shield also protects clients from themselves as their own actions or words could be very dangerous.


Most attorneys will meet with you for a free consultation before you are required to hire them. This consultation will introduce you to the specifics of your predicament. This initial consultation could open up a client’s eyes to a whole new world of information.


In criminal cases, attorneys often call on professionals as expert witnesses. Criminal defense lawyers have access to these professionals and know the direction to take in order to secure them as a witness. Without an attorney, this could be an arduous task.


Once you hire an attorney, they act on your behalf in a court of law. That means you do not need to do anything you might think will help the situation. Most times, any action winds up doing more harm than good. Hiring an attorney will provide a type of restraint that keeps you neutralized.


Staring down all the paperwork involved in a court case can be daunting. Attorneys are trained to handle this and know exactly what needs to be filed and when it needs to be done. An oversight on your part in this area could result in severe consequences.

Don’t try to take on criminal charges or a personal injury lawsuit without an attorney by your side. The Law Offices of William H. Harding is there for clients facing all types of charges. William H. Harding is ready to take the law in our hands so that you will receive the most favorable outcome possible.


How to Choose a Criminal Attorney in Charlotte

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Choosing a criminal defense attorney is something that should not be taken lightly. Every person facing criminal charges should take careful consideration when selecting their defense attorney. Here are some important things to look for when choosing a criminal defense attorney in Charlotte, NC.


It helps to have an attorney who has been in a courtroom many times before. You want to make sure your lawyer has been through several cases and is familiar with the most effective ways of reducing your charges or getting them thrown out altogether.


Another helpful tip is to have a defense lawyer on your side with familiarity of the local court system. Knowing the lay of the land and being familiar with prosecutors and judges could provide you with a distinct advantage.


When it comes to criminal charges, paying for quality could play a big part in your future. Don’t always look for the cheapest attorney in town as your future and freedom are too important to trust to just any attorney.

Track Record

Most people do not want to take a chance on a lawyer who hasn’t notched many wins. Look into your prospective lawyer’s track record and don’t be afraid to ask about their past wins and losses.


The only way to get a true gauge on a lawyer is to set up a face-to-face meeting. During that meeting, keep an eye on the lawyer’s passion, attentiveness and concern. You should not only feel comfortable with your lawyer, but also feel confident that you have made the right choice.


It won’t be too hard to learn a little more about your prospective. Ask around and see what people are saying. Online reviews can be helpful as are any references from past clients.


If you are facing DUI charges, you probably don’t want an attorney who spends most of his time dealing with assault cases. Make sure your attorney focuses on the area in which you are facing charges.

When it comes time to find the best criminal attorney Charlotte has to offer, contact the Law Offices of William H. Harding.

Top 10 Things People Do To Hurt Their Personal Injury Case

Personal Injury Case

If you have suffered a personal injury at the expense of someone else, there are certain things that should be done right away. There are also certain things to avoid and here is a look at the top 10 things people should not do in their personal injury case.

Don’t contact a lawyer

There are so many specifics in a personal injury case that victims can do more harm to their own case than they realize. Without a personal injury attorney advising you, there is a strong likelihood someone you could doom your own case right away.

Speak to insurance company

The insurance company can use anything you say against you. Insurance companies focusses on finding ways to get out of paying personal injury victims. By speaking directly to them, you are playing right into their hands and could be baited into destroying your entire case.

Don’t seek medical attention

After suffering a personal injury, there is a need to officially document your injuries. That can’t happen if you do not see a doctor right after your accident.

Downplay the severity of injuries

There is no reason to make anyone think any of your injuries are minor. By doing so, you provide insurance companies with leverage and also minimize your chances of receiving adequate compensation.

Use words like sore

People can get sore from doing minor tasks and chores around the house. Use of that term will indicate you have no real injury with any medical validity. Stay away from using the word sore altogether.

Don’t accurately describe the pain

In order to be compensated, there needs to be a detailed explanation of the injuries suffered. That cannot occur without being descriptive when describing your pain. Don’t leave anything out.

Don’t record the details that led to the accident

A record of the event that lacks details severely hurts a personal injury lawsuit. Be sure to write down everything that happened and even take pictures or video if possible. Remember that no detail is unimportant.

Don’t contact the police

Even if the accident is minor, the police must be notified. This will provide the victim with an accident report, which is an essential document in this process.

Leave the scene of the accident

This could all but doom your personal injury case. Leaving the scene of accident negates a victim from fulfilling so many important parts of the overall process.

Don’t follow through on treatment

Injuries require treatment and by blowing off any rehab or therapy, you are essentially saying you don’t need it. And if there is no injury, there will be no money coming your way.

The Law Offices of William H. Harding can provide you with an experienced personal injury or accident attorney in Charlotte, NC. After suffering a personal injury, make sure you immediately contact The Law Offices of William H. Harding and we will work on getting the compensation you deserve.

Why Accepting a Settlement or Plea Agreement Might Not Be the Best Option

legalWhen it comes to a lawsuit or criminal charges, settlements can mean money for a client or a less severe sentence for defendants who are facing charges. While that may seem like ample reasoning to accept a settlement, it is not always a good idea to accept a settlement or plea agreement right away. This is especially true if you do not have a lawyer. Here is a look at why that is the case.


It is the job of insurance companies to settle their lawsuits and claims for as little as possible. That means their initial offer is almost guaranteed to be well below what you rightfully deserve. There is often a negotiation process that goes back and forth, which means the quicker you are inclined to settle, the less money you are likely to receive.

It is a known fact that a personal injury lawyer will represent clients for extensive stretches of time. Insurance companies will attempt to draw things out as a ploy to make victims weary from the process. That could enable them to give in and accept a settlement. However, sticking it out could mean a much more lucrative payout. Keep in mind that patience can pay off. And when an insurance company is offering a certain amount of money, it’s not likely that you will receive any less taking the matter to court.


Plea Agreements

When facing criminal charges, it is natural to be worried about the future. But it is also important to understand the prosecution’s school of thought. The prosecution’s main job is to get a conviction. By making a plea agreement, you are actually giving the prosecution a victory and basically doing their job for them.

It is also important to note that most courts are overrun with criminal cases, which makes many prosecutors eager to run through their caseload. But when one of those cases goes to trial, there is a lot of uncertainty involved for the prosecution. Material witnesses can become less dependable over long spans of time and there may be insufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Time can benefit those facing criminal charges, which makes plea agreements a much less appealing option.

When the time comes to call a Charlotte accident attorney or criminal defense attorney, contact The Law Offices of William H. Harding. Charlotte lawyer William H. Harding is ready to stand by you, whether you are facing criminal charges or in the midst of a personal injury lawsuit.

What You Should Look For When Hiring an Attorney to Represent You

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Choosing an attorney should not be a decision that is taken lightly, especially since you are actually putting your future in the hands of someone else. To help with that selection process, there are certain criteria everyone should consider when looking for legal representation.

The importance of experience in an attorney cannot be overstated. This is extremely valuable in cases that wind up in litigation as you want a lawyer who has been there before. Experienced attorneys know what tactics to use and when to use them. There is also a lot of negotiation that goes back in forth in personal injury cases, so it is important to have the patience to know when to wait things out and when to have the decisiveness to settle. That all comes with experience. Lawyers who are experienced in local court systems also bring an added advantage, being so familiar with the lay of the land.

When you find yourself arrested for a crime, such as a DUI, you want a criminal attorney who focuses on representing clients who face DUI charges. That kind of focus allows clients to have the highest chance of success. Once you find a lawyer, who focuses on your type of case, then it’s time to examine their skills. Communication skills are essential in a good lawyer as you want to hire an attorney who can explain every detail of your case so that you full comprehend the entirety of your situation.

It is important to be able to get in touch with your lawyer when the situation calls for it. Hiring a lawyer, who is overloaded with clients, means that you probably will be limited when it comes to any one-on-one attention. Make sure that your lawyer is accessible and capable of answering your questions when it’s necessary. Many criminal cases and personal injury cases can introduce people to quite a bit of worry. Hiring a lawyer who is rarely available will only add to that worry.

Personal Touch
Adding a personal touch means taking a heightened interest in every client. That means adding a little more care and attention to every case. Lawyers who add that personal touch become invested in their clients. While many lawyers have developed a bit of a callous reputation, those who provide a personal touch manage to make a lasting impression by showing more attentiveness and dedication.

The Law Offices of William H. Harding is ready to provide you with an injury attorney or criminal defense lawyer, who can meet all your legal needs. Our team will go that extra mile to provide you with a top-quality accident attorney.

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